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20+ Best SVG Fonts for Designers (Free & Premium)

20+ Best SVG Fonts for Designers (Free & Premium)

Related Articles The days of fonts being created by hand are long gone. These days fonts tend to be created through the use of design programs and one of the most recent formats to reach the stage is OpenType-SVG which is a font format that has some or all of

#48 – Christina Deemer on Making Digital Content Usable for People With Cognitive Disabilities

#48 – Christina Deemer on Making Digital Content Usable for People With Cognitive Disabilities

[00:00:00] Nathan Wrigley: Welcome to the Jukebox podcast from WP Tavern. My name is Nathan Wrigley. Jukebox is a a podcast which is dedicated to all things WordPress. The people, the events, the plugins, the blocks, the themes, and in this case making

Fancy Image Decorations: Outlines and Complex Animations | CSS-Tricks

Fancy Image Decorations: Outlines and Complex Animations | CSS-Tricks

We’ve spent the last two articles in this three-part series playing with gradients to make really neat image decorations using nothing but the element. In this third and final piece, we are going to explore more techniques using the CSS property. That might

10 Dos And Don’ts For Building A Successful Travel Website

10 Dos And Don’ts For Building A Successful Travel Website

When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), your website is the foundation on which all of your hard work will rest. It doesn’t matter how many keywords you add, meta descriptions you tweak, or plugins you remove: If the building blocks of your

The New CSS Media Query Range Syntax | CSS-Tricks

The New CSS Media Query Range Syntax | CSS-Tricks

The New CSS Media Query Range Syntax Preethi Selvam on Oct 31, 2022 Let’s put those CSS skills to work! Claim $50 in free hosting credit on Cloudways with code CSSTRICKS. We rely on CSS Media Queries for selecting and styling elements based on a targeted

How New Web Designers Can Level Up

How New Web Designers Can Level Up

Starting your career as a web designer is an exciting experience. There is a whole world of possibilities available. Thanks to a massive number of learning opportunities, it may seem like the sky’s the limit. Growth takes time, however. Short of releasing

How to Easily Serve Scaled Images in WordPress (Step by Step)

How to Easily Serve Scaled Images in WordPress (Step by Step)

Are you looking to serve scaled images on your WordPress site? Beginners often slow down their websites by uploading images without paying attention to their size. Serving images that have the correct dimensions will improve your WordPress performance

Rendering External API Data in WordPress Blocks on the Back End | CSS-Tricks

Rendering External API Data in WordPress Blocks on the Back End | CSS-Tricks

Rendering External API Data in WordPress Blocks on the Back End Nov 1, 2022 DigitalOcean provides cloud products for every stage of your journey. Get started with $200 in free credit! This is a continuation of my last article about “Rendering External API

What Is Design Thinking for CX?

What Is Design Thinking for CX?

Design thinking is an iterative process that begins with empathy and culminates in testing and implementation, only to be followed by further cycles of design thinking, ensuring continual improvement. The uses of design thinking are diverse and include the