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How to effectively combine online and offline lead generation

How to effectively combine online and offline lead generation

We have two primary forms of leads: online and offline. This article talks about how to combine online and offline marketing for more efficient lead generation. In today’s world we are mostly narrowing in to online leads, thanks to the Internet

How Much Should You Pay for SEO?

How Much Should You Pay for SEO?

4 4 My company helps business owners find the right SEO / digital marketing consultant or agency to help them grow their business. So, I am frequently on phone calls with small to medium-sized businesses discussing their goals and their needs, and there is

Do Raises Make Happy Employees or Is It Something More?

Do Raises Make Happy Employees or Is It Something More?

Do Raises Make Happy Employees or Is It Something More? Competitive pay and benefits attract talent but organizational culture and values is what keeps them onboard. Image credit: Hero Images | Getty Images ---Shares July 18, 2017 A high 

Ask a question, get an answer in Google Analytics

Ask a question, get an answer in Google Analytics

What if getting answers about your key business metrics was as easy as asking a question in plain English? What if you could simply say, "How many new users did we have from organic search on mobile last week?" ― and get an answer right away? Today, Google

How B2Bs Are Harnessing the Event Stack - eMarketer

How B2Bs Are Harnessing the Event Stack - eMarketer

Face-to-face events have always been a way for B2Bs to effectively reach and communicate with clients and prospects. "Even with the rise of more measureable digital marketing tactics, in-person events continue to be a major avenue for building relationships,

5 Ways Bing is increasing its market share

5 Ways Bing is increasing its market share

Back in 2015, Microsoft hired Purna Virji as Senior PPC Training Manager. Purna has extensive knowledge and respect in the online marketing community. Last year PPC Hero named Purna as number 1 Most Influential PPC Expert. This has helped increase the focus

How To Not Piss People Off With Facebook Messenger Ads

How To Not Piss People Off With Facebook Messenger Ads

Gentle reminder to my fellow marketers – people already hate us. If there’s one core thing I’ve learned as a digital marketer, it’s that marketers ruin everything. Instagram was cool before we flooded your feed with ads. ESPN was cool before we made

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These Marketing Trends Are Making a Comeback Right Now

A marketing renaissance is occurring for some old trends that may have once become tiresome but are now starting to appear fresh again. Email, direct mail and videos all fall into the category of areas that slowly grew stale as newer digital trends emerged

4 Simple Tactics to Gain Trust as an AdWords Account Manager

4 Simple Tactics to Gain Trust as an AdWords Account Manager

We know you love your job. You login to your computer and read what’s new in the industry, and think of ways to achieve your client’s paid search goals. But, this effort and time you spend is never seen, and without having a good communication line with