Email Optimization Shop Newsletter by Jeanne Jennings

Email Optimization Shop Newsletter by Jeanne Jennings

Four Ideas to Inspire Your Next Email Marketing Test
By Jeanne Jennings, Founder and Senior Strategist, Email Optimization Shop, for the Email Optimization Shop Blog
There's more to email marketing optimization than running yet another subject-line test. How about a few new ideas that could give you unexpected insights or kick your testing program into a higher gear? Jeanne has 4 you can try right now, starting with a review of your recent testing history.
Don’t Blame Email: Retailers Need to Provide an Adaptive Customer Experience
By Jeff Hassemer, Chief Strategy Officer, Alterian, for Chain Store Age
B2B marketers, don't leave the room! Although targeted to retailers, Jeff's argument that marketers need to leave the channel mindset behind and adapt to customer unpredictability applies to you, too.
We liked Jeff's evaluation of the different channels marketers use today and how to use them. He isn't the first to cover this ground, but he makes a convincing case. Begin reading.
16 Video Marketing Benchmarks You Need to Know
By Kimbe McMaster, Content Marketing Manager, Vidyard, for the Vidyard Blog
Two things we love about this post: First, we'll grab any video stats we can find to help you benchmark your video performance, investigate whether video is right for your email and brands, or build a case for management if you need one. You'll find numbers in this infographic for any of those needs.
Second: We love the infographic format itself. A lot of thought went into the design and data visualization, and it shows. The subtle but attention-drawing animations make this piece one to add to your swipe file. Check it out.
Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Emails: 6 Lessons to Make Them Exciting
By Kelly Shetron for the Email Design Workshop Blog
We get so wrapped up in optimizing conversion-oriented emails that it's easy to forget all the other reasons for contacting your customers via email. Fortunately, Kelly has zeroed on an email category that often gets short shrift in both content and design. After reading her 6 easy pointers, you'll have no excuse to send another boring TOS update.
Learn more.
Looking to up your team's email marketing game?
In addition to consulting, Jeanne offers private workshop training on email, lifecycle and other digital marketing topics. Contact us today at to learn more!
Confirmation Emails: How to Stop Wasting One Of Email Marketing’s Biggest Goldmines
By Jacob McMillen, The Digital Careerist, for the Conversion Sciences Blog
As long as we're optimizing emails, how about updating your confirmation messages? Too many still look like default emails sent by an ecommerce engine. Marketing must own this crucial email and give it top-quality design and content. Jacob's post reviews the 3 objectives the confirmation email must achieve and offers design and copy examples to emulate. Learn more.
5 Ecommerce Customer Segments to Automate and Engage with Email
By Kath Pay, Founder/CEO, Holistic Email Marketing, for the Only Influencers Blog
It's time to take your segmentation strategy up a notch or two. Kath's information-rich post shows you how to use deep data-mining to build new and potentially more fruitful customer groupings. Our favorite of the bunch: how to target your top spenders, who often get overlooked as retailers pursue more elusive quarry.
How to Use Behavioral Data in Personalized Marketing Campaigns
By Michael Osborne, CEO, SmarterHQ, for Forbes' Community Voice
You might think you've read all you want to read on personalization, but don't pass up this piece. You'll find fresh new statistics that support creating individualized content and real-time content. (What drives a 667% ROI?) Plus, Michael gives retailers a good reason to add a wider universe of product recommendations. Learn more.
4 Key Strategies for Out-Personalizing Amazon
By SailThru for the SailThru Blog
Forget the 600-pound gorilla - Amazon is the Empire State Building-sized competitor that today's marketers must out-maneuver. This quick read gives you 4 simple-but-powerful strategies just about any marketer can employ to meet or beat Amazon on its own terms.
We also like this post because it cleverly repurposes content from a related webinar and makes the prospect of clicking through to the recording much more enticing. If webinars are part of your content-marketing plan, this post is a great one to copy. Start reading.

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